Hello everybody and welcome to the world of music as seen through the eyes of this goofy labrador!
Bello’s new book has been released in Amazon. You can get it either in paperback book format: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDN7RH82
or as an e-book, readable on a Kindle device: https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0CDNQ1CHC

This is how Bello’s story started with us. He is 8 weeks old in this picture, and doesn’t mind at all having a pink ribbon bow although he is a boy.
In the section “Bello’s world” we will be posting material mainly about this much beloved dog. There will be memories from puppy times as well as more recent adventures.
In “Musical tips” you’ll find mainly Tina’s musical advise. Part of it has to do with the book directly, but there will also be something philosophical later on. Here, you’ll also find links to the YouTube tutorials for each exercise in the book. Links will be added one by one, and the first one is already available.